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Balmain Rowing Club Restoration Project
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Balmain Rowing Club (BRC), formed in 1882, is the oldest surviving rowing shed of its type in Australia.


Due to its age and rising sea levels, the heritage timber structure and piers on which it sits are fast deteriorating, putting the building and our club’s long-term viability at risk.


Like our neighbour, Dawn Fraser baths, the heritage wooden structure of the Club is increasingly under water and not able to dry out sufficiently, causing decay at an accelerated rate. The annual cost of maintenance has become a large burden on the club and if nothing is done, there is risk the shed could eventually collapse into the sea.


Currently, the club does not have disabled access and boat loading is conducted via steep, stone cut steps which do not meet safety requirements. Access to the water is also a bottleneck because of the limited staging and pontoon access. Approvals for a major renovation of the entire boat shed were gained in 2009 and then amended in 2019.


The club has completed a number of projects over the last decade, such as the addition of the North and South (Neilson) wings, upgrade of the hall facilities, and numerous emergency repairs.

More recently, the club was successful in obtaining a significant $1 million allocation in the State Government Greater Cities Sports Facilities Fund. The new funding is in addition to seed funding from the Inner West Council for planned accessibility works.


The restored club will significantly improve access and facilities for our members and ensure the club survives for future generations to enjoy.


If you have any ideas/directions/energy that can help us fundraise to complete this worthwhile project please contact me directly at


Joe Grech

President, BRC

Donations can also be made via the Australian Sports Foundation in support of Balmain Rowing Club – Clubhouse Renovations Project. All donations are tax deductible.


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