It was nice to see so many members and their families enjoying the BRC Christmas Party on Sunday 13 December. After a relaxed buffet lunch the formal part of the day began with the naming of our 3 new racing sculls:
May Agnew (Harvey) - named after former member of the Balmain Ladies Rowing Club and 3x Australian championship winner, was represented by her daughter Margaret Mackenzie.
Lynette Skelton (Skelo) - Australian sculling champion coached by Keith Swanson, made a special trip over from NZ to represent herself!.
Bill Beach - named after the world champion sculler, (archives) was represented by his great great grandson, Ray Pearson. Ray's Speach
Our 3 new wave cutters were also named with names chosen by our junior squad, The Boatmaster, Sha-Noonan-Gins and The Brightness.
Thanks to Emma for organising and Anastasia and Melita for helping out on the day and to Kim and Connie for running the bar.